
分类:日韩剧日本 地区:日本 年份:2018 导演:西村聪 主演:植田千寻小山力也林原惠美樱井孝宏佐佐木望黑泽朋世井上麻里奈江川央生岩崎諒太石川界人田中正彦大塚明夫朴璐美中田让治悠木碧大友龙三郎福山润宝龟克寿南条爱乃佐仓绫音滨田贤二小上裕通关智一古川登志夫三宅健太佐藤健辅陶山章央金井美香神谷浩史 状态:已完结

简介:As Narumi and Shirogane fight off the wooden puppet attackers, Masaru is shocked to see the strange and incredible abilities of the puppet Arlequin. With Arlequin by their side, the trio manages to fend off the attackers and escape to safety. Shirogane r
  • heimuer


As Narumi and Shirogane fight off the wooden puppet attackers, Masaru is shocked to see the strange and incredible abilities of the puppet Arlequin. With Arlequin by their side, the trio manages to fend off the attackers and escape to safety. Shirogane reveals to Masaru that he is the guardian of the Karakuri Circus, a secret organization dedicated to protecting him and his family from those who seek to harm them for their fortune. Masaru learns that his father's death was no accident, but rather part of a larger plot to eliminate him and take control of his inheritance. As they navigate the dangerous world of puppeteers and assassins, Masaru, Narumi, and Shirogane must rely on each other and the power of the Karakuri Circus to survive. Along the way, they uncover dark secrets about Masaru's family and the true nature of the puppet masters who seek to control them. Together, they must fight against powerful enemies, unravel the mysteries of the Karakuri Circus, and protect Masaru's inheritance at all costs. With their wits, strength, and determination, they will face incredible challenges and dangerous adversaries on their journey to uncover the truth and secure a future free from the shadows that threaten to consume them.



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