验尸官 第二季

分类:欧美剧欧美 地区:欧美 年份:2020 导演:杰奎琳·比塞特Sherren·Lee保罗·福克斯 主演:赛琳达·斯万德怀特·爱尔兰奥妮克·阿德莉尼古拉·科雷亚·达姆得罗杰·R.克劳斯塔玛拉·波戴米斯基谢默斯·帕特森萨阿德·西迪基EhrenKassamAlexMallariJr.MelissaMurray-MutchGraemeJokicCelestineCaravaggioSukhmanGillLizAdjei 状态:8集全

简介:As the newly appointed coroner in Toronto, Dr. Sarah Chen was eager to make a positive impact in her new role. However, she quickly found herself faced with a string of mysterious deaths that were rocking the city. The first case that caught her attentio
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As the newly appointed coroner in Toronto, Dr. Sarah Chen was eager to make a positive impact in her new role. However, she quickly found herself faced with a string of mysterious deaths that were rocking the city. The first case that caught her attention was a young woman found dead in an alleyway, with no apparent cause of death. As Dr. Chen conducted her examination, she discovered unusual bruising on the victim's neck and internal injuries that pointed to foul play. The next case was even more perplexing - an elderly man who had seemingly died of natural causes, but upon closer inspection, Dr. Chen found traces of a rare poison in his system. It was clear that these deaths were not coincidental, but part of a larger pattern. As Dr. Chen delved deeper into her investigation, she uncovered a complex web of deceit, betrayal, and greed that led her to a powerful criminal syndicate operating in the city. With the help of her colleagues in law enforcement, she was able to connect the dots and bring those responsible to justice. Though the cases were harrowing and challenging, Dr. Chen's resolve and determination never wavered. She knew that as the coroner, it was her duty to seek justice for the dead and bring closure to their loved ones. And in the end, her efforts were not in vain, as she was able to solve the mystery of the mysterious deaths in Toronto and ensure that those responsible faced the consequences of their actions.



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