
分类:恐怖片恐怖 地区:美国 年份:2015 导演:JosephWartnerchaney 主演:RobZabrecky 状态:更新HD

简介:As days pass, Jonathan struggles to hide the smell of decay and the sight of the body. He tries to go about his daily routine, but the guilt weighs heavily on him. He starts losing sleep and his mental state deteriorates. As the smell becomes unbearable,
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As days pass, Jonathan struggles to hide the smell of decay and the sight of the body. He tries to go about his daily routine, but the guilt weighs heavily on him. He starts losing sleep and his mental state deteriorates. As the smell becomes unbearable, Jonathan's neighbors start to notice. They become suspicious and report the foul odor to the authorities. The police arrive at Jonathan's house and discover the gruesome scene. Jonathan is arrested and charged with murder. He tries to explain that it was an accident, that he never meant to harm the young woman. But his words fall on deaf ears as he is taken away in handcuffs. Alone once again, Jonathan realizes the consequences of his actions. His desperate need for companionship led to tragedy and now he is left to face the consequences of his choices. The loneliness he once felt now consumes him completely, as he sits in his prison cell, regretting every decision he made.



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